Exion Body Applicator

Exion Body Applicator

The Exion Body Applicator, available at Apex Performance Med Spa in Sandy, UT, is an innovative treatment designed to target stubborn areas of fat and cellulite. This non-invasive procedure utilizes advanced technology to deliver focused energy to specific body areas, helping to contour and sculpt the silhouette. The applicator applies controlled radiofrequency (RF) energy, deeply penetrating the skin to break down fat cells and stimulate collagen production.

Ideal for individuals looking to enhance their body contours and reduce the appearance of cellulite, the Exion Body Applicator is suitable for various areas, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. Results are typically noticeable after a series of treatments, with continued improvement over time as the body naturally eliminates treated fat cells. The longevity of results can be maintained with a healthy lifestyle and proper skincare regimen. If you’re ready to achieve a more toned and sculpted physique, schedule your Exion Body Applicator treatment at Apex Performance Med Spa today.



Individuals looking to reduce stubborn areas of fat and cellulite without surgery.

Results are typically noticeable after treatments, with continued improvement over time.

Results can be long-lasting with a healthy lifestyle and proper maintenance.

Minimal downtime and temporary side effects such as redness or mild discomfort may occur, typically resolving within a few days.

Before treatment, hydrate well and avoid sun exposure. After treatment, follow post-procedure instructions provided by your provider to optimize results.

You may experience a warming sensation during the treatment as the applicator delivers focused energy to targeted areas. The procedure is generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort.



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