Exion Face

Exion Face

Exion Face, available at Apex Performance Med Spa in Sandy, UT, is a revolutionary facial rejuvenation procedure that addresses various skin concerns and enhances the overall complexion. This non-invasive procedure utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver targeted radiofrequency (RF) energy to the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting cellular renewal. The Exion Face treatment effectively reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, giving you a more youthful and radiant appearance.

Ideal for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their facial skin without undergoing invasive procedures, Exion Face can target areas such as the forehead, cheeks, jawline, and neck. Typically, results are visible after just a few sessions, with continued improvement as collagen levels increase. The longevity of results can be prolonged with proper skin care and maintenance. If you’re ready to restore your youthful glow and achieve smoother, firmer skin, schedule your Exion Face treatment at Apex Performance Med Spa today.



Individuals looking to rejuvenate their facial skin and address signs of aging.

Results are typically noticeable after just a few sessions, with continued improvement.

Results can be long-lasting with proper skin care and maintenance.

Minimal downtime and temporary side effects such as redness or mild discomfort may occur, typically resolving within a few days.

Before treatment, avoid sun exposure and certain skincare products. After treatment, follow post-procedure instructions provided by your provider to optimize results.

You may experience a warm sensation during the treatment as the device delivers targeted RF energy to the skin. It is generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort.



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